O'Dwyer Building
The O’Dwyer building, also known as O’Dwyer Block is a registered heritage structure, as designated by the Heritage foundation of Newfoundland & Labrador. Like the Murray Premises, it also makes up part of the Water Street Historic District, a collection of downtown merchant buildings that reflect the city's mid-nineteenth century commercial history.
Located at 295-301 Water Street, the bulk of the O’Dwyer Building houses O’Dwyer Manor. Above 2 street level commercial spaces is O’Dwyer Manor’s 13 furnished suites. Offering short and long term rentals, O’Dwyer Manor offers apartment style comfort and convenience, at the intersection of Water Street’s business, historic and entertainment districts.
For inquiries please contact Dawn Ring at dring@murraypremiseshotel.com
Or call her at Regal Realty 709-722-3222.